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Make Mine a Zero to Nine

I'll be sporting a new blazer at the wake tomorrow, courtesy of Jos. A Bank. As fate would have it, the first parking spot I could find was in front of the Pub, one of the many watering holes frequented by the Great One. My purchase complete, I popped into the Pub @3:30. Magically a corner stool became available and I ordered a cocktail. I didn't recognize the local denizens, but when I offered a toast to Jimbo, everyone in the bar responded with a reverent raising of their glasses. I asked the bartender if Jimbo had any winnings he hadn't picked up lately and he said no, but there was a 0-9 envelope working. #5 was chosen and I wrote Jimbo/Tombo next to it. I'm feeling good about this: he always wins these things.


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