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Hot Soup

Years ago in November on one of those early winter days when the windchill felt below zero and snow whipped across the fields, one man made sure a group of 20 girls stayed warm. I’m still not sure how he actually did it but I had noticed his car running for most of the day and long cable adapters running from the inside. In between the games the girls huddled under the tent unable to move their frozen fingers and not really interested in snacking on the granola bars and leftover bagels strewn across the small tables. Then suddenly out of nowhere Mr. Josephson appears with what must have been a commercial sized crock pot full of HOT soup. The girls began to cheer as if they’d won the lottery. The parents including me were in complete awe but the looks on the other teams frozen faces nothing but envy… Jim made sure those girls had hot soup all day and to top it off he had piled on a spread of all the right fixings! Takes a special man to have that much patience and concern for so many people around him. His memory will always stay warm in our hearts!


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