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Home Run Incentive

It was Jimbo's senior year at Rye High while I was a Junior in May of 1981. I didn't get a lot of playing time on the baseball team as we had a lot of talented seniors. One day we are playing rival Eastchester and we are blowing them out. Dino unloads the bench and I get a single my first at bat and a double the next. By this time Jimbo and a few other lax guys are at Disbrow watching. Jimbo says "Hey, Jay...if you hit a triple this time I'll buy you a case of beer." Not one to waste the opportunity, I inquired what would happen if I hit a home run. Jimbo upped the ante. "You hit a home run and I'll buy you a keg of beer." That's all the incentive I needed to hear. I swung as hard as I could at each pitch and connected on a line drive that barely cleared the left-center fence. I could hear the gang hootin' and hollerin'' back by our dugout. I had no interest in high-fiving Dino Garr while rounding third base. I only wanted to step on home plate and go have fun messing with Jimbo. He did pay up a year or two later on New Year's Day but that escapade is for another story. I'll miss ya Jimbo. You had a heart of gold.


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